Harley Street provides private treatment only which has to be paid for. The prices may seem expensive but you need to consider what you are paying for. You are paying for the best surgeons and specialists in their field who have international reputations. They are highly skilled, experienced and dedicated professionals who use the most up to date technologies, equipment and techniques to the benefit of their patients.
And you are paying to be seen by a consultant of your choosing and at a time and date to suit you. This means no waiting lists and a customised approach in comfortable, relaxed surroundings.
Is the standard of treatment better than in the NHS? The standard of treatment is excellent and is provided by leading professionals who undertake work in both the NHS as well as at Harley Street. Many of these undertook their training in the NHS before deciding upon a speciality: and many of them have held a consultant post in the NHS before deciding to switch to private practice.
So you are getting the best of both worlds.
We have provided a list of prices for the following areas:
The first two are designed to give you an idea of what you will pay for a particular procedure.
The last section discusses the costs of private treatment in general.